Monday, January 27, 2014

COPENHAGEN: Popular song given to Intactivist campaign

Ekstra Bladet
24. januar 2014

Shu-bi-dua donerer sang til forhuds-kamp

Den danske forening mod børneomskæring - Intact Denmark - får nu hjælp fra et af Danmarks mest folkekære bands
Af: Rune Melchior Sjørvad
Det har længe stået højt på ønskesedlen hos Intact Denmarks talskvinde at få lov til at bruge en helt speciel Shu-bi-dua-sang i foreningens kamp for et forbud mod omskæring af raske, danske drengebørn.

Nu er drømmen gået i opfyldelse, og Shu-bi-dua har kvit og frit stillet nummeret 'Den lille mands sang' til rådighed for foreningen.

For de, der ikke måtte kende den 17 år gamle sang, kan det oplyses, at den meget tydeligt opfordrer til at sætte en stopper for omskæring af drenge.

Blandt andet lyder det i sangen: ' Vi må og skal gøre op med en skik - Et af oldtidens regulativer - At skære et stykke af barnets pik'.

- Det har længe været en slags 'nationalhymne' for foreningen, så at få mulighed for at bruge den lune, humoristiske sang i vores kampagner er en drøm, der er gået i opfyldelse, siger Intact Denmarks talskvinde Lena Nyhus til Ekstra Bladet.

Hun forklarer, at Shu-bi-duas tidligere guitarist Michael Hardinger og sanger Michael Bundesen begge har sagt ja til, at sangen kan bruges som underlægningsmusik i foreningens kommende video-kampagne, uden at Intact Denmark skal betale for det.

Grotesk handling
Om sanggaven fortæller Michael Hardinger via mail fra sit hjem i Las Vegas til Folkets Avis:
- For en del år siden indspillede vi med mit gamle band Shu-bi-dua 'Den lille mands sang', som handlede om omskæring. Måske ikke det mest populære emne hverken dengang eller nu når man skriver popmusik. De andre var meget imod 'Den lille mands sang', som egentlig startede i mit hoved ved, at jeg hørte en stand-upper i USA sige: 'Jøderne er det mest optimistiske folkefærd på jorden. De klipper et stykke af penis, inden de ved, hvor lang den egentlig bliver.' Men den groteske handling krævede, i min hjerne i det mindste, at der blev sat spotlight på denne mishandling af børn, siger Michael Hardinger.

Foreningen Intact Denmark oplyser, at Shu-bi-dua blot er de første af en række danske musikere, der har sagt ja til at støtte op om kampen for et dansk forbud mod omskæring.

Shu-bi-dua. 'Den lille mands sang'
Vi må og skal gøre op med en skik
et af oldtidens regulativer
at skære et stykke af barnets pik
før man ved hvor lang den bliver
Eksperter hævder mod al sund fornuft
at længde er ej lig med lykke
vi siger til manden med saksen: forduft
vi behøver hvert eneste stykke
Og elskovsnatten kan blive til gru
hvis klokkerne slet ikke ringer
ofte man hører: er den inde nu,
eller bruger du stadig din finger?
Så op alle mand - så' det helt op at stå
kæmp for den hud I fortjener
lad kraverne dække de kongeblå
så bli'r de osse lidt pænere

(Microsoft translation, with help)
January 24, 2014

Shu-bi-dua donates song to preputial battle

The Danish Association of child circumcision, Intact Denmark, now gets help from one of Denmark's most beloved bands
by Rune Melchior Sjørvad

It has long been high on the wish list of Intact Denmark's spokeswoman to be allowed to use a very special Shu-bi-dua-song in the Association's campaign for a ban on the circumcision of healthy Danish boy children.

Now the dream has come true, and Shu-bi-dua has given 'the little man's song' to the Association, absolutely free.

National Anthem
For those who may not know the 17-year-old song, it can be reported that it very clearly calls for putting an end to circumcision of boys.

Among other things, it says in the song: 'we must and should do away with a practice - one of the ancient regulations - To cut a piece of child's dick'.

"It has long been a kind of 'national anthem' for the Association, so to get the opportunity to use the warm, humorous song in our campaigns is a dream come true," says Intact Denmark's spokeswoman Lena Nyhus to Ekstra Bladet.

She explains that Shu-bi-Dua's former guitarist and singer Michael Bundesen Michael Hardinger has said yes to that song being used as background music in the Association's upcoming video campaign, without Intact Denmark having to pay for it.

Grotesque act
About the gift of the song Michael Hardinger told the people's newspaper by email from his home in Las Vegas:

"A few years ago we recorded with my old band Shu-bi-dua ' the little man's song ', which was about circumcision. It might not be the most popular subject when one writes pop music, either back then or now. The others were very much against 'the little man's song', which actually started in my head know that I heard a stand-up [comedian] in the United States say: 'The Jews are the most optimistic people on Earth. They cut a piece of the penis before they know how long it actually will be.' But the ludicrous action required, in my brain at least that there was put spotlight on this abuse of children," says Michael Hardinger.

The Association Intact Denmark says Shu-bi-dua is just the first of a number of Danish musicians who have said yes to supporting the fight for a Danish ban on circumcision.

Shu-bi-dua. ' The little man's song '
We must do away with the practice
of ancient regulations
to cut a piece off a child's cock
before you know how long it'll be.
Against all sense, "experts" claim
that length does not equal joy.
We say to the man with scissors: Vanish!
We need every inch!
And a night of love can become gruesome
If the bells don't ring at all
You often hear: is it in yet,
or are you still using your finger?
So get up, guys, completely erect
and fight for the skin you deserve!
Let the hoods cover the royal blue
Then they look a bit nicer too.

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