- Circumcision and HIV
- Circumcision Information Australia
- Peaceful Parenting
- Rolling Doughnut
- Intact Ameria's blog
- Intact by Default
- Banned from Baby Showers
- Gloria LeMay
- The Front Porch Swing
- Fondation FarReach/FarReach Foundation (Canada)
- Ending Unnecessary Male Circumcision in the UK
- The Emperor's New Cock (UK)
- Circumcison Doctors Australia
- Proof that Australian doctors rort Medicaid
- Restoring Tally: A father talks with his son about infant circumcision
- Restoring Tally's blog includes a weekly Intactivism review
- Men Do Complain - its very title dispels one myth, and it avoids the c-word.
- Choose Intact
- Intact News
- Jews speak out
- The Judaic movement to end circumcison Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
- Covenant without circumcision
- Circumcision Insanity - mainly Facebook messages from unrepentant mothers of babies undergoing re-circumcision, and mothers who hate the idea but think circumcision is inevitable.
- Kurt T describes how he learnt What I'm Missing
- Mindofown tells What it's like to have an intact penis
- The Barefoot Intactivist
- Intactivist Blog
- How circumcision impacted my life - one horror story
- Birth Takes a Village
- Women are victims too
- A feminist-friendly male's blog: Male Circumcision or Women’s Health, Not Both: The Case of Zambia
- A mother of 8, "Beaupotamus", writes how she "suddenly became a mama bear".
- The Whole Baby Revolution
- Cogito on Why I will never attend a Brit Milah - with a statistical demolition of the "Circumcision clears HPV faster" finding.
Mexico Intacto Includes the NOCIRC video subtitled in Spanish. (Vas a ver el video de NOCIRC subtitulado en español a la mitad de la página. Espero que todos los padres lo vean antes de tomar la decisión....)
- ???? ?? ????????? A blog in Hindi
(p? svenska)
Säg Nej till Omskärelse av Pojkar (SNOP)
Omskärelse av små pojkar är barbari
Svårt att säga nej till en sed med historia- Kozy Converstions Penile Adhesions
- A mother of 11 who circumcised the first two then changed her mind: One Day at a Time
- A mother of three who changed her mind after the first two, on tactics.
- A circumcised father of an intact son: Should I circumcise?
- The Case Against Circumcision No discussion of religion, sexuality or foreskin restoration allowed - Hamlet without the Prince of Denmark - hence:
- The Case Against Circumcision forum
- The Case Against Infant Circumcision blog
- An anti-circumcision forum.
- Informed Parenting offers 5 reasons parents give for choosing circumcision, and why those reasons are not valid
- Bobby Earle describes his son's post-operative pain.
- Peachy Keen apologises to her son, November 21, 2010
- Onsexuality by Oddity includes an interview with the webmaster of this site.
- No Circumcision by Jim in Ontario
- Stop The Cut
- An Australian father whose son was circumcised contrary to his wishes.
- A Jewish critic of circumcision, The Kvetcher.
- Miss Candy's Perfect Phallus ( a penis-worship site)
- Foreskin (photos only, mainly young models, NSFW)
- The world has its say on BBC Radio 1, July 12, 2012
- Jewish mother Jenny Goodman discusses the German law with an Imam on BBC Radio 4, June 29, 2012
- Glen Callender of CAN-FAP talks on Friendly Fire (Newstalk 1010, 7:15 on) June 27, 2012
- Dr Ronald Goldman on Safe Space Radio, May 23, 2012
- The Cut podcast; Q&As and interviews from the tour of Cut: slicing through the myths of circumcision
- J. Steven Svoboda of Attorneys for the Rights of the Child on Walden's Pond on September 26, 2010
- Georganne Chapin of Intact America
- on Walden's Pond (starts 7' in)
- on Women's Voice.
- Stephen Svoboda of Attorney's for the Rights of the Child on Walden's Pond (starts 7'20" in), December 25, 2011
- Matthew Hess (MGM Bill), David Maass et al. on KPBS These Days (San Diego)
- Eliyahu Ungar-Sargon debates Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, July 18, 2011
- The Rape of the Cock at the NZ Skeptics conference, 26 September 2009
- Tina Kimmell tells Dr Winston about the San Francisco MGM Bill on KUSF, November 25, 1010
- Ron Low of TLC Tugger with Howard Stern, March 29, 2011 (save 24Mb file to local computer before playing)
- The Holy Atheist, Stevie Ray Fromstein, attempts to talk his cousin out of having her future son circumcised (50:21, 92.2MB).
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