On Facebook
- These pages, for updates
- Genital Autonomy (International)
- Intact America
- The WHOLE Network (Local)
- NOCIRC (The National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers)
- Saving Our Sons
- The Committee for (Future) Men's Choice and Religious Freedom (an answer to the "Committee for Parental Choice and Religious Freedom")
Beschneidung unter 18 Jahren aus religiösen Gründen gesetzlich verbieten
Gegner der Zwangs Beschneidung
- PAC Men (Protectors Against Circumcision) especially circumcised fathers of intact sons: "The cutting stops with me."
- I regret circumcision
- I am circumcised and Hate It
- M.A.G.N.U.M. - Men Affected by Genital Negligence and Unnecessary Modification
- End Routine Infant Circumcision (ERIC)
- MGMbill.org (promoting legislation to outlaw non-therapeutic genital cutting)
- Whole Baby Revolution
- Jews and Others Against Circumcision
- Students for Genital Integrity (SGI)
- Feminists for Genital Integrity
- Celebrities Against Circumcision
- Arc Law (Attorneys for the Rights of the Child)
- San Francisco Bay Area Intactivists
- The Barefoot Intactivist
- Circumcision sucks - a "non-graphic, 3D" crash course on circumcision
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