BILD 13.07.2012 „Ich liebe meine Vorhaut" New Yorker demonstrieren für deutsches Urteil zu Beschneidung |
BILD July 13, 2012 "I love my foreskin" New Yorkers demonstrate in support of German ruling on circumcision |
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Die Befürworter des Kölner Beschneidungs-Urteils um Jonathan
Friedman (Mitte) demonstrieren vor dem deutschen Generalkonsulat in New
York. Auf Friedmans T-Shirt steht der Aufdruck „I love my foreskin”
(„Ich liebe meine Vorhaut”) Nach heftiger Kritik aus dem Ausland gibt es jetzt auch Unterstützung für das Kölner Gerichtsurteil zur Beschneidung von Jungen. Ein Häufchen jüdischer Demonstranten baute sich am Freitag vor dem deutschen Generalkonsulat in New York auf – um für das Urteil zu protestieren. Protestinitiator Jonathan Friedman sagte: „Wir sind für eine Genitalautonomie.“ Er trug ein T-Shirt mit dem Aufdruck „I love my foreskin” („Ich liebe meine Vorhaut”). [Nein, nur "Ich liebe Vorhaut" - er ist beschnitten] „Eine Beschneidung ist ein erheblicher Eingriff. Der wird millionenfach bei kleinen Kindern vorgenommen, die sich nicht wehren können, aber ihr ganzes Leben davon beeinflusst werden.“ Seine Gruppe habe gut 30 Mitglieder, sagte Friedman. Laut „Financial Times Deutschland“ bereiten jüdische Organisationen eine Kampagne gegen das Urteil vor. Das Geld kommt aus Europa, USA und Israel und soll die notwendigen Lobbyisten und Anwälte finanzieren. Spender sollen bereits Millionen in einen Fonds eingezahlt haben, darunter der Multimillionär Edi Gast. Er allein soll laut FTD 10 Millionen Euro gegeben haben. |
Proponents of the Cologne circumcision ruling flanking Jonathan
Friedman (center) demonstrate in front of the German General Consulate
in New York. Friedman's T-shirt bears the inscription "I love [ After heavy criticism from abroad, there now appears to be support for the Cologne court ruling on the circumcision of boys. A small bunch of Jewish demonstrators assembled on Friday in front of the German General Consulate in New York - to protest in favor of the verdict. Protest organizer Jonathan Friedman said. "We support genital autonomy". He was wearing a T-shirt on which were printed the words "I Love [ "Circumcision is a significant intervention. It's done to millions of small children who can't defend themselves, but their lives are affected by it." His group has over 30 members, said Friedman. According to the Financial Times Germany, Jewish organizations are putting together a campaign against the verdict. Money is coming from Europe, the United States and Israel to finance the necessary lobbyists and lawyers. Donors, among them multimillionaire Edi Gast, are reported to have already contributed millions of Euros to a fund for the campaign. Gast alone is reputed to have given 10 million Euros. [Europe's prosperity at this moment is well-known....] Earlier story |
Sunday, July 15, 2012
NEW YORK: Demonstration in support of German ruling / GERMANY: €-millions promised to fight it
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How very odd that some adults are so intent on cutting the healthy skin off infants' penises that they would spend millions of euros. How very odd that they would value ANYTHING more than the peace of mind of children. Sanity says, "May ALL children be safe, warm, dry, loved, honored, respected, protected." Pity anyone who would advocate harming a child.
ReplyDeleteNo doubt they're going to pull out all the stops... Expect the anti-Semite card; the Holocaust card is a no-brainer.
ReplyDeleteExpect them to say that Germany is still out to eliminate all the Jews...
Expect them to show Holocaust imagery.
This is going to be the biggest smear campaign of the century.
Oh, but don't talk about how Jewish money funds special interests; that's stereotyping and "racist."
"It's not blood libel when WE do it..."
BILD has silently corrected its reading of Jonathan Friedman's T-shirt, from "I love my foreskin" to "I love foreskin". The difference is significant. Friedman's description of his own (ritual) circumcision at the link should give anyone pause:
ReplyDelete"The unsightly scar around the shaft of my penis, halfway along its length. The discolored flesh above the scar which used to be the inside of my foreskin. The scar tissue where my frenulum used to attach to my glans.
"When I reached puberty, my erections were tight and painful. When I started masturbating, I didn't understand that I needed to use lubrication, and as a consequence I seriously damaged my penis. The skin was bleeding, chaffed and flaking off. I was in pain. At this point I realized that the skin should be gliding back and forth over the shaft, but this was very difficult to do because my circumcision was so tight. I could only move the skin up towards my glans, pulling more hair-baring skin from my groin up onto my shaft. I couldn't move my shaft skin downward at all. When I became sexually active, I realized I had virtually no touch-sensitivity. I felt devastated. Not much has changed since.
"I also frequently experience lymphedema, where the top of my penis above my circumcision scar fills up with fluid and swells. This happens spontaneously and during arousal. Recently I experienced a lymphedema episode where my penis didn't return to its normal size for over twelve hours. Due to all my issues with pain and swelling, I can only masturbate once or twice per month. Even with copious lubrication, my shaft skin becomes chaffed and bleeds. If I had the choice, I would not be circumcised."