October 12, 2012
Intact America banned from AAP Conference
By Hugh Young
Intact America has been banned from having a booth at the
American Academy of Pediatrics Conference in New Orleans later this
The conference will be held at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center and the Hilton New Orleans Riverside hotel from October 20 to 23, 2012
It includes a session on Tuesday October 23, called "Pros & Cons
of Doing Circumcisions" that does not seem to say much about Cons but
"aims to explain what one needs to do in order to set up a program to do
neonatal circumcisions and how one can become an expert circumciser."
Demonstrators against
the AAP's policy on circumcision are expected from all over the United States.
The AAP says...
Intactivists say...
Intact America's press release
Intact America October 11, 2012
AAP cites website content, Facebook page for barring exhibition booth
for which the group had already accepted payment. Intact America plans protests
in streets of New Orleans when AAP meets starting October 20th.
TARRYTOWN, NY—The American Academy of Pediatrics, reeling under
criticism by advocates for human rights and children’s health of its
recent report seeking reimbursement for neonatal male circumcisions,
today suddenly canceled a contract that the nation’s leading group
criticizing the unnecessary surgery had signed for an exhibition booth
at its upcoming convention in New Orleans.
“The AAP has stacked the deck by filling its Circumcision Task Force
with pro-circumcision doctors and activists, and apparently is afraid to
let its members learn the truth about the unnecessary, unethical, and
risky surgery its members perform more than a million times a year on
unconsenting baby boys,” said Georganne Chapin, Executive Director of
Intact America, which has exhibited at several recent AAP conventions
without incident.
“They can kick us out of their hall, but they can’t escape the
growing realization that they have trapped themselves in an ethical
quagmire by seeking reimbursement for surgery the American Medical
Association properly calls ‘non-therapeutic,’” Chapin said. “They know
that growing numbers of American parents are saying no to the removal of
healthy functioning tissue from the genitals of their baby boys in a
surgery that is a violation of medical ethics and the baby’s basic human
While the male circumcision rate in the United States was around 80
percent 30 years ago, it has steadily dropped to around 50 percent
today. In Europe, circumcision rates in most countries are well under 10
percent, and European physician groups and even courts are now calling
for doctors to stop performing all child circumcisions that are not
medically indicated.
The AAP action came shortly after Chapin authored an essay appearing in the Huffington Post,
arguing that the AAP was acting more like a trade association than a
doctors’ organization that claims to be “dedicated to the health of all
children.” In its report issued this summer, the AAP Task Force
acknowledged that there were not enough benefits to justify recommending
circumcision, but sought to win approval for reimbursement by insurance
companies and the 18 states’ Medicaid programs where the surgery is
currently not covered.
“Although health benefits are not great enough to recommend routine
circumcision for all male newborns, the benefits of circumcision are
sufficient to justify access to this procedure for families choosing it
and to warrant third-party payment for circumcision of male newborns,”
the report reads.
The AAP relied heavily on studies of sexually-active adult African
men and the role circumcision might play in retarding female-to-male—but
not male-to-female—transmission of the HIV virus linked to AIDS. The
AAP and Centers for Disease Control correctly report there is no
evidence circumcision plays any role in retarding male-to-male HIV
transmission, which along with sharing intravenous needles is the
predominant mode of HIV transmission in the United States.
“Ethical and scientific problems with the African research aside,
trying to extrapolate from studies of sexually active adult African men
to infant boys in America is bad science, bad medicine and bad health
policy,” Chapin said. “Medical ethics requires necessity and informed
consent for something as invasive as surgery. The foreskin is normal
tissue, an integral part of the male anatomy that protects the rest of
the penis and plays an important role in sexual pleasure. Babies should
be left alone; when they become men, they can make their own informed
decision about whether they want to remove a part of their own penises.”
“Not only does the AAP Task Force report ignore the ethical
obligation of physicians to respect their patients' autonomy and do no
harm, it repeatedly calls for doctors to be paid for removing healthy,
functioning tissue from somebody who cannot consent,” Chapin wrote.
The AAP letter, sent from its Illinois headquarters and dated October
10th, cited content on Intact America's website and Intact America’s
Facebook page in withdrawing the organization’s approval for the exhibit
booth. The letter notes that the AAP respects Intact America’s right to
protest outside the convention center, which was something already
planned for the weekend of the convention.
“Pediatricians must be reminded that their patients are the babies,”
Chapin said. “If we can’t remind them in the hall, we will remind them
in the streets of New Orleans.”
Intact America operates under the auspices of the Hudson Center for
Health Equity & Quality, a not-for-profit organization that is
tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the internal revenue code.
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